A high incidence of a disease and death rate of rabbit warren of Shihezi present in a large scale in the past three years. 石河子某大型规模化养兔场陆续发生一种高发病率、高死亡率的兔病。
But, as someone who has worked in both a rabbit warren and an open-plan environment, I strongly favour the latter, and wish that more governments would adopt the system too. 但是,作为一个既在“养兔场”、也在开放式环境中工作过的人,我强烈偏爱后一种,并希望更多的政府部门能采用这种布置。
One who owns or keeps a rabbit warren. 养兔场主,养兔场看管人。
That whole North Castle area is a rabbit warren. 整个北堡地区人口稠密。
During my career as a journalist, I have often walked through government buildings, and become accustomed to seeing a rabbit warren. 在我的记者生涯当中,我经常穿过各种政府大楼,见惯了“养兔场”式的布局。
Over the coming years-perhaps even decades-lawyers expect the region's territorial rights to be fought over in a rabbit warren of commission, tribunal and arbitration hearings. 法学家们预计,今后的几年甚至是几十年,在各个委员会、法庭和仲裁听证会上会发生为争夺该地区领土权利的唇枪舌剑。
Other firms in the rabbit warren are apparently recession-proof: Solent International, which fits out yachts abroad for the super-rich; “养兔场”的其他公司显然都不惧怕衰退:SolentInternational,为国外超级富豪订做帆船;